A New Philosophy
The New Philosophy does not need the mysticism religions relied upon since the beginning of time. Spirituality can - and should - be logical and rational.

Imagine for a moment... Imagine a new focus being taught to our children. Imagine the impact. Seems like such a simple and easy path to a more beautiful world...
Make use of your special talents or suppress them? Can you identify your super-powers? Do you know their purpose?
Five phases of change
New insights, better understanding, more awareness - it all shapes you, changes you. These are the five phases you might go through, once you understand the ideas on this website... the changes that lead you to be the glorious human being you were always meant to be!
This world needs Jesus! Really?
Ready for something different?

Finding Purpose
A person without purpose is like a ship without a compass. (I'm sure some smart person said that some time some where...) But, how to figure out what the Universe had in mind when it created you, placed you in the family and environment you grew up in, shaped you all your life and continues to do so? Find pointers in this section that will help you find your very own, special purpose in this world!

Where to search
What is the purpose of my life? Why am I the way I am? What is my task here in this world? If you know where to look, chances are you find what you're looking for...
About an overlooked contributing factor to depression
What am I? What is me?
Angels - Do they exist? Who are they?
All the religions have a concept of 'Angels'. Do you dare to look at redefining, reassigning that role in this world?
What is my life`s purpose?
What are you supposed to do with your life? Is it possible to deal with this topic without resorting to mystical magic?

Finding Happiness
We all are pursuing happiness. But, how to find it? Money, possessions, power, status, and similar - all promise to bring it, but none of them are. What to do? If you're looking for a comfortable place to rest, you won't find it in the garage. Look for it in the bedroom. Know where to look for what you're searching, know what to look for, and chances are very high you might find it! Here's a roadmap for you to find your path to happiness.

What happens TO me vs THROUGH me
The single most important insight necessary to find happiness and fulfillment!
How to achieve happiness
How about a spirituality that needs not make promises about later, but provide guidance that leads to happiness now

Spiritual Revolution

Religious Talk: No Weapon...
'No weapons formed against me shall prosper! In Jesus mighty name. Amen.' What's the origin of this nonsense? How to do better?
Super Hero
Thinking about super-powers? Would you be a super-hero or super-villain?
Time Travel
After the science, political, industrial, and electronic revolutions - is it time for a spiritual revolution?
4th of July - Celebration of Freedom


Let us know what you think, share your ideas, ask questions: comments (at) toolOfTheUniverse (dot) org