"No weapons formed against me shall prosper! In Jesus mighty name. Amen."
I often hear phrases like this from christians.
Just want to point out, that this particular phrase comes from the times of the crusades - a totally unprovoked, bloody, cruel war that the ignorant, misguided "christians" of that time started and raged, against the then enlightened moslems.
The pope felt he was loosing power and control, so he instigated these wars - very similar to the "holy wars" some ignorant, misguided moslems are calling for today.
To calm the fears of the warriors about traveling to a far, far, far away land, and killing people they have never met, the clergy came up with this sentence: "No weapon formed against you shall prosper!"
Of course, total bullshit!
Weapons do harm and destroy. And if you start a war, you're going to get hurt, too.
Best way I found so far to not get hurt by a weapon is to be loving and friendly towards people - and stay away from trouble areas...
If you want, you can give credit to "Jesus" and "God" for this: God gave me a brain to think. Jesus gave me a yardstick to measure my level of spiritual maturity: Can I love all my "neighbors"?
So far, I can love many, many people - anybody I meet - at least initially. Sometimes, though, their behavior and actions make it very, very hard for me to keep up the good will towards them... I try, but I am not always successful...
But I think, with time and effort and practice I am getting a little better every day... Still very, very far away from even getting close to the top of the yard-stick...
I think, we need to get away from repeating traditional nonsense, and instead start reevaluating our spiritual believes and attitudes.
No matter what your religious background - think, double-check, re-examine! And dare to go beyond the status quo!