A New Philosophy
The New Philosophy does not need the mysticism religions relied upon since the beginning of time. Spirituality can - and should - be logical and rational.

Imagine for a moment... Imagine a new focus being taught to our children. Imagine the impact. Seems like such a simple and easy path to a more beautiful world...
Make use of your special talents or suppress them? Can you identify your super-powers? Do you know their purpose?
Five phases of change
New insights, better understanding, more awareness - it all shapes you, changes you. These are the five phases you might go through, once you understand the ideas on this website... the changes that lead you to be the glorious human being you were always meant to be!
This world needs Jesus! Really?
Ready for something different?
The tools of the Universe
How are changes happening? What instruments, tool sis the universe using to affect improvement? What roles are we humans playing in the grand scheme of things?
Rethinking Spirituality
The New Philosophy does not need the mysticism religions relied upon since the beginning of time. Spirituality can - and should - be logical and rational. Dare to re-experience the old spiritual scriptures from a new view-point - and be amazed!
Mission Accomplished
This belief helps me tremendeously dealing with the passing of loved ones. And it also makes me look forward to 'signing off', rather than being afraid of it...
I am a tool of the Universe!
I am the tool the universe uses. As such, I am capable! I am important! I am powerful! I am loved and well taken care of! I am not alone; I am assisted! I am HOW I am supposed to be! I am WHERE I am supposed to be! I AM the tool the universe uses!
The best tool I can be!
Whatever task you want to accomplish, you surely are going to take the best tool available to help you make it happened. Why would the Universe choose differently?

Let us know what you think, share your ideas, ask questions: comments (at) toolOfTheUniverse (dot) org