4th of July - Celebration of Freedom

Almost 240 years ago the American colonialists realized that the King of England was an outside force that was hindering the development of this country Many individual events and situations contributed to and triggered their decision to seek independence. The underlying core idea, however, was: Freedom! Freedom to choose what's best for this country. Freedom for each individual to pursue their own happiness.

Today we are at a similar point, albeit in a different area of our lives.

Today, many realized that our spirituality is controlled by outside forces, that are hindering our development. Many events and situations are clear indications and reminders that the 500+ year old concepts and interpretations need to be revisited.

The political revolutions, the industrial revolution, and the information revolution - all of them created a significant break with the traditions; and all of them started a new era of rapid growth and development.

Today, we have all the knowledge and technical abilities to feed the world, and to live happily ever after. What is missing is the will to do so.

War, world-hunger, SUVs, domestic violence, Global Warming, gangs, the power we give the mighty dollar, drugs, resource abuse and wastefulness, our legal system-disaster... you name it:

Virtually ever one of todays problems is the consequence of spiritual immaturity. We already know the solutions. We just need to get our priorities straight, and our approaches adjusted. Wee need raised awareness, enlightenment and caring.

We are in need of a spiritual revolution, like the colonialists were in need of a political revolution.

They rid themselves from an antiquated political system forced onto them from the outside. We need to rid ourselves from an antiquated spiritual system forced onto us from the outside.

They were threatened with prison and execution, if they resist the rule of the king. We are threatened with roasting eternally in hell, if we resist the current interpretations of spiritual scriptures and teachings.

They decided to resist anyhow. They chose to assume responsibility for their destiny, and build their own country-internal political system.

We can decide to resist, too. Each on of us can choose to assume responsibility for our destiny. Each on of us can build our own individual internal spiritual system.

Their weapons of choice where canons and rifles, even stones. Our weapon of choice should be Love, Enlightenment, Tolerance, Critical Thinking, and an Open Mind.

Today we celebrate 233 years of political freedom, development and prosperity.

Next year, at the 234th anniversary, I also want to celebrate 1 year of spiritual freedom, and development, happiness and fulfillment!

Further Reading:

Religious Talk: No Weapon...
'No weapons formed against me shall prosper! In Jesus mighty name. Amen.' What's the origin of this nonsense? How to do better?
Super Hero
Thinking about super-powers? Would you be a super-hero or super-villain?
Time Travel
After the science, political, industrial, and electronic revolutions - is it time for a spiritual revolution?
Email to a Muslim Friend

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