What is the propose of mosquitoes? I have no clue! So, does that mean, they have no purpose in this world? Or am I just not smart enough to know about it? I'm sure it is the second!
There are many things in this world that we haven't understood. But they exist, and, as our knowledge about this world grows, we find their purpose - one thing after the other...
What is the purpose of the various attributes of my being? Of the various experiences I went through, am going through, and will still go through? For some of them I have an idea. For others I have no clue. But, same applies as with the mosquitoes: even though I may not have a clue about their purpose, they surely have one.
Why am I depressed at times, and energized and exited at others? I don't know "why", I just know "that" it is so. I do have a hunch, though...
I observed that I can get quite some stuff done when I am in my high-phase. I can work for 16 hours straight. I don't need much sleep. And my mind is running 100 miles per hour!
During these times I can takle problems that need a lot of ramp-up time, and take a long time to work through. I couldn't work on these, if I didn't have such times of super energy.
I recently came to understand, that it is just the natural balance, that after a time of high activity there needs to be a time to rest.
I used to experience these lows as terrible times. I want to be productive. I love the high! During the lows I tried to force myself to work as well, be as productive as "normal".
And therein lied the problem: what I defined as "normal" was just part of it! "Normal" for me really is to be swinging, to have high times and low times.
So for a little while now, I am trying to allow myself to have lows. I define it as rest times, and remind myself that rest is important and "ok", and that soon there will be another high.
During the highs I now am more mindful, too. I remind myself, that this is the time where I can be productive, and that a low will be coming again soon enough. I try to focus on getting stuff done...
So, a simple change of perspective (from handicap to purposeful) allowed me to go from "suffering of a slight case of bipolar disorder", to "engaging and making use of my super-power"!
We are used to label deviations from (what we define as) the norm as disorder, illness, disease, handicap - as something that needs to be eliminated, fixed. Yes, the stronger the deviation from the average, the more difficult it is for that person to work with it. In some cases it is too difficult and outside help is needed. But in most cases a change in perspective would be the best approach.
So, if your are "suffering" from something about yourself or about your life, try the following:
Assume it is a super-power of yours. It enables you to be aware of something other people have no chance of noticing, and/or to tackle something others could never deal with. Try to identify what magic is possible through you because of this super-power of yours.
Focus on finding ways to live and work with your super-power, instead of lamenting its existence and attempting to get rid of it.
Superman had to learn to live and work with his super-strength. He could have worn a Kryptonite pendant all the time, to get rid of his super-powers. He didn't. He honed his talents, improved his skills, and made a positive difference in this world.
Super-strength, however, is easy and rather boring. Your super-power is not as obvious and much more interesting! Can you figure it out?
So: Kryptonite or making the difference you were meant to make? That's the question for you to answer...