One of the hardest and most difficult tasks of you as a young person is to figure out how you fit into this world. During childhood, you lern from your parents, and all the other folks around you, how this world works, and how you can survive and strive within it. Then, during teenage years, the important questions first come up, which will occupy your mind for the rest of your life:
What's the purpose of my life? Why am I the way I am? What is my mission here?Up until recently, these questions have not been all too important for most of the people on this planet - it was hard enough to just survive. Today, however, surviving itself is for many people a given. And these questions become ever more important and relevant.
A keen observer might notice, that "a human" is not just a body. Yes, the brain is just another part of the material body. And its function - to think - is just part of the typical, bodily functions.
But, from where do ideas come? Often, they show up out of the blue, sometimes after unsuccessfully trying to find a solution for a long time.
What is the reason for the strong passions for particular topic? Each of us has the one or the other such special interest.
It seems, there's something outside of our material body - apparently even outside of this our material world - that is somehow in contact with us, and that impacts this world through us.
Whether you believe in "soul" or not, it appears that a human consists of two components: the body and the spirit. The body is part of this world, and the spirit is our connection to the "larger" (or whatever you want to call it).
As an analogy, you could see the body as your "animal-self" and the spirit as your "angel-self".
The animal in this world has to accomplish various tasks to survive, to have kids, and raise them. Our basic instincts are reflecting these tasks:
survival of the species as the mightiest drive, and
survival of self as the second strongest.
The angel-self seems to have special tasks, too. Calling it "Angel"-self already points towards the kind of tasks it appears to have:
In the chapter
"About Angels" in the book
"YOU are the change" it is suggested, that if there are such things as angels, it is most likely us humans. We are "sent by god" to do good in the world and cause positive change - of course only IF and WHEN we follow our angel-self.
Ok. Let's assume for the moment this idea is true, that we are "sent by god", the "tools of the Universe" through which the continuation of the development of this creation is implemented. With this as premise let's now re-pose the question from above:
- Being an angel, what is the purpose of my life?
- Being a "tool for the Universe" through which positive changes and development are possible, why am I the way I am?
- Having been sent by god to cause a positive impact, what is my task here?
The premise is at the same time the answer to these questions! Of course, there are immediately new questions arising from these answers: How can I do that? What exactly is my mission, my specialty? What attributes, talents do I have that make me the best possible tool to accomplish specific tasks, and what are these tasks?
Think about that! Observe yourself, and what happens through you and with you.
Much joy and success pondering!