I would like to provide some information for you, and some seeds for thought. I hope you find the following interesting enough to read it all, and to think about it a little.
I am sure you have noticed that the weather lately is acting kind of strange. Tornadoes in February, a drought in one part of the country, while at the same time, in another part there's flooding. Hurricanes and Typhoons get stronger and increase in frequency.
The reason for that is a change in the temperature of the air and the ocean water. That change in temperature is caused by a higher concentration of certain gases in the atmosphere, which cause the sun's warmth to linger around longer and longer, before escaping back into space.
While these gases occur naturally, some of what we humans do has increased the concentration to the current level. For example, there is currently about four times as much CO2 in our air as ever before in the last 600,000 years!
Of course, we can't really stop driving cars, or heating the house in the winter.
And that is not necessary. However there are a lot of little things we do often, that does not really improve our comfort-level, but still contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases.
Let me give you some examples:
Leaving the engine of the car running while parked - car exhaust is one of the main contributors to co2 and other highly toxic gases
Leaving electrical appliances running when not in use; like lights, iron, fans, computer, radio, TV and much more - if I am not at home, a running TV doesn't make my life nicer, but still causes pollution, as most of our electricity is produced by coal and nuclear power plants.
Turning the temperature to low in the summer and to high in the winter; at days with temperatures within a normal comfortable range, the A/C and heat can be completely turned off, and just the windows opened - A/C and heating systems are tremendous energy drains
I am sure, if you start looking around you'll notice many more habits, that do not improve our standard-of-living, but add to the negative impact we humans have on this world.
I see a chance here for each one of us, to make a choice as to whether I want to be part of the problem, or part of the solution.
Well, my friend, I hope live is treating you kindly, that you and your loved ones are happy and healthy. I hope this little note has provided some inspiration to you, and you too decide to become an example within your family and circle of friends. All my best...