I strongly believe that all humans are good deep inside! What is preventing the goodness to come through are our animal self . the needs, wants and fears of the element within this world. Past experiences and observations also contribute a lot to our behavior and our view of the world. We base our decisions on the information that is available to us, and the meaning that information has for us, our interpretations.
I find, to provide information is a good way to assist each other in our growth toward becoming a person, who has a positive impact on the rest of the world. In my experience telling somebody what to do and what not is not an effective way. Usually, people resist attempts of control, manipulation and orders. I believe we are all quite smart, and can make good decisions, once the relevant information is known and understood.
In this section of the Tool Of The Universe website, we are trying to provide ideas and tools to help spread information about currently important topics.
Please feel free and encouraged to distribute articles to persons you find might benefit from the information. For example, I carry a couple of printouts of the "Parked car with engine running" Seed of Thought with me, when I encounter such a car, I hand it to the person with a few kind words...
When you come accross a topic that you think would fit well on this site, please email it to us at:
comment (at) toolOfTheUniverse (dot) org
We also appreciate your suggestions of how to formulate an article in a less aggressive tone, or present the information in a better way.
Thank you for your contribution. Working together, we are amplifying our individual positive contributions!