Letter to my turkish friend

Dear Friend,

The area you live in has been at the center of development of civilization for many, many centuries. Your people are capable of greatness!
Such development came in boosts. With times of stagnation in between those. However, during such rest-phases the seeds for the next boost germinated.
You may find yourself in such a phase of stagnation. If so, you may be the part of the seed-starter soil where the next boost is germinating.

There are those who blame outside forces for their situation. Such blaming is futile. You can not change outside forces. The best you can do is accept them and move to suit. There are those who stop their work when it is raining. And there are those who accept the situation (i.e. it rains), move to suit (for example put on a rain-coat) and do the work that is possible within the limitations and due to the special circumstances of the outside situation (for example plant seeds).

I find, there are many among your neighbors, among the people in your country, and the whole world, who are frozen in centuries old religions and traditions. Like a fish in a block of ice, they are incapable of moving, of growing, or changing.
Then there is another large group of folks, who are uneducated and misinformed. They don't understand what is going on in the world, how things are connected, what causes the effects they are experiencing negatively. Their ignorance causes them to fall victim to fear mongering demagogues. They are afraid of anything that looks, sounds, or acts differently then what they are used too. Sucked into their fear like into quicksand, they, too, are incapable of moving or changing.
But there are also a few like yourself. Your horizon is wide. Your experiences have opened your mind. Your ability to speak another language indicates you are a communicator. Your willingness to engage in conversations with people that are different than you indicates you are a bridge-builder.

I am reminding you of all of this, because I saw the sparkle of idealism and energy in your eyes. Even though it was wrapped in a vail of sadness and frustration, which itself you were trying hard to hide behind a mask of sarcasm and fatalism.

You are a descendent of great people. You are capable of greatness. Through you, the frozen have a chance for the ice to melt around them. Through you, the fearful have a chance to see the potential of the changes around them to cause improvement of the situation. You are the best chance the frozen and fearful who come into your life have.

I wish for you, that you'll find ways and the energy to do your work. Little by little. One situation at a time. One friend after another. My hope for you is, that you'll be able to help people understand. That you may provide the seeds for thought people need to ask the questions that allow them to make the next step.

Just remember, you are not responsible for the greater picture. Nor should you allow the appearance of the greater picture to get you despondent or lose hope. As long as you are doing your share - as little and insignificant as it may appear to you - this is all that is necessary; this is the only responsibility you have.

Here's another analogy: In the older days, during the winter months farmers in the Alps would not sit around lamenting that it is cold, that they can neither plant nor harvest anything. They would work on their tools, so when the spring comes they are ready to plant.

So, there's no sense in lamenting the situation. Brainstorm about what you can do, given the situation - and do it. Work "indoors". Educate. Inform. Connect with kindred spirits. Support each other.

And lastly: stay away from violence. Force destroys. Stick with love! Love conquers all. Love is the only path to real success. Love is the only warmth that thaws the ice of religious and traditionalist fanaticism. Love is the only lotion that soothes and heals fear!

In the end it will be all good. If it is not good yet, it just means it is not yet the end; and your contributions are still needed.

Further Reading:

Religious Talk: No Weapon...
'No weapons formed against me shall prosper! In Jesus mighty name. Amen.' What's the origin of this nonsense? How to do better?
Super Hero
Thinking about super-powers? Would you be a super-hero or super-villain?
Time Travel
After the science, political, industrial, and electronic revolutions - is it time for a spiritual revolution?
4th of July - Celebration of Freedom

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