Corporate Greed (Part 1)

Enron, sub-prime mortgages, and so on: corporate greed is on everybody's mind
these days . and stays there, as we get one instance after another as
reminders of the problem.

However, what is a corporation really? Nothing, but a piece of paper filed
with some registrar somewhere!

What provides life to such an artificial entity are the people who contribute
to it. The character attributes of these people become the character
attributes of the corporation. Every person who interacts with a corporation,
impacts it, in any small or big way.

1. Employees

First, of course, there are the employees. Everybody who works for a
corporation . from the CEO to the housekeeper, from the full-time employee to
the contractor . all of them are expending time, effort, ideas, energy that
helps that corporation get closer to its goal . whatever that goal is.

Do you know what your employers business purpose is? What is its attitude, its
approach to achieve its goals? Is that purpose, and are these goals and
approaches in congruence with your believes and values?

If not, why are you using the little time that makes up your life to support
something you don't believe in? For the money? So money is more important than
your other values? But, isn't that greed, too? Aren't you also part of the
corporate greed?

When your grandchild or great-grandchild asks you with big adoring eyes, would
you be happy and proud to tell her/him you came to this world to support xyz
(whatever your employer works towards)?

Further Reading:

Religious Talk: No Weapon...
'No weapons formed against me shall prosper! In Jesus mighty name. Amen.' What's the origin of this nonsense? How to do better?
Super Hero
Thinking about super-powers? Would you be a super-hero or super-villain?
Time Travel
After the science, political, industrial, and electronic revolutions - is it time for a spiritual revolution?
4th of July - Celebration of Freedom

Let us know what you think, share your ideas, ask questions: comments (at) toolOfTheUniverse (dot) org