I found a letter in my mailbox, addressed to a person I don't know, but at my address - "or current resident" it said. It was an invitation to a bible study at the local Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall...
I often get asked why I started searching myself, why I don't belong to any of the christian churches, nor follow any other religion. The short answer is, that none of the teachings I learned about offer satisfactory answers.
The flyer enclosed with the letter is entitled "Would you like to know the truth?"
Among the questions listed are: Does God really care about us? Will war and suffering ever end? How can I find happiness in life?
Hm. All very important questions.
When trying to understand, to find out what to believe, I came to conclude, that nobody can "know" anything about what is beyond this physical world that we live in, that we can observe, measure and experience. No theory can be proven correct or incorrect. Some may appear a little more likely, others a little less. With all the searching and reasoning and pondering, all we can do is to choose to believe one idea or another.
The flyer goes on to declare that the bible is god's word and true. Unfortunately, all the citations intended to provide the "true" answer to each of the questions, are interpreted and explained from a particular world-view's perspective. The only "proof" for the statements are more bible verses, interpreted in the same way.
I was searching for a spirituality that helps me make better decisions on all the topics that come up in my daily life. But I never liked the notion of blind faith. Of course, what I don't know, I have to augment with a believe. And faith is nothing but a believe. So, I tried to apply all I do know and used logic to rule out unlikely scenarios. The result is the realization that we humans are not here for our own sake, but that we are here to support the development of this creation. The purpose of the world and everybody else around you is not so that you can grow, but you are motivated, guided, and allowed to grow so you can better support the development of this world. And following this completely changed basis there's a belief-system, which is described on this site.
I can not prove that this is true, and that I do not claim it is. I do state, though, that it makes sense to me and that it provides answers for otherwise difficult to answer questions.
And, interestingly, I found that much of what is described in the bible, when seen from this "we are the tools of the Universe" perspective, actually does make sense. However, it is interpreted very differently.
The bible quotations in the flyer mean something totally different than explained there, once the underlying framework is different. And the conclusions and resulting actions are very different, then, too.
With that in mind, I encourage you again, not to simply believe anything I (or somebody else) says about these topics (or any other topic, for that matter), but instead to listen carefully and try to understand what is meant and what it would mean to you, then reflect and ponder with an open mind and curiosity, and find your own answer.
This site is intended to help you with this task.