Christians believe that there is one God who created everything according to his plan. And he created the plan, too. And he designed everything for a reason and with a purpose. I think Jews and Moslems believe that, too, but I am not sure...
Some people further believe that when they die, they'll meet the creator. I sometimes hear somebody say: "When I meet my maker, I'm gonna ask him..." this, that, or the other question.
The other night I woke up with a thought.
What, if the maker would wanna ask us a couple of questions, too? What might he ask us about?
Here's a fictional conversation between God and a recently deceased person. Now, God did not appear to me in the middle of the night and speak to me. So that conversation is totally made up by me. But, if I was God, I would most likely ask these questions.
God: "You know, when I designed the humans I put a lot of thought into it. There's one aspect I am particularly happy about. I wanted to create a feature that would allow you humans to express your love to each other in a very special way. I thought I give you a special gift. So when you are nice to each other you get the most awesome sensation. I hoped, this would provide enough incentive for you to love each other, and to express your love. Now, tell me, how did you like this feature?"
As you know, some people would have to say something in the tune of: "Well, I struggled all my life to avoid making love to another person."
I could imagine God asking with disappointment in his love: "I gave you this ability to make another person feel really, really good, to forget all trouble and worries for a moment, to have the most amazing sensation possible, and you didn't want to use this gift?"
"I've been told that this was of the devil's. So, I thought you would be upset with me if I did it..."
I can't help but thinking that God would throw arms into the air and sigh in utter disbelieve: "So you believed them when they claimed this out of this world experience was a trap? What kind of sadistic prick did you think I am?"