Our Core Attitudes
This movement is not an organized religion. Rather, it is a number of people all over the planet, who choose to believe in the same framework, and strive to follow the same principles. We gather to inspire each other and support each other, but each one of us is responsible for her/himself.
So, our core attitudes are:
I can and should think for myself. -and- I can and should find my own spirituality.
To help us in this our quest we
subscribe to >Our Belief-Framework, accept >Our Roles, and follow >Our Principles.
Our Belief-Framework
In parts our framework is similar to other teachings and movements. As a whole, however, it is different and unique. The individual components are not taken out of thin air, but resulted from observation and rational conclusions, and support our world-view, which, in turn, helps us better function in and contribute to this world.
Again, you can choose to adopt them or not. Some of our perspectives and approaches are consequences of these core-believes. If you choose to believe something different, you might not be able to appreciate the beauty and possibility of the points made in the articles and discussions. And, you won't be able to see your life, this world, and you in it, in the same fashion.
Note, that this Belief-Framework is based on the current state of wisdom. It might need to be adjusted as we all reach higher levels of enlightenment. We are quite sure, though, that we won't go back to where we came from.
So when you find something that's different from what you've heard before, this very aspect might change at some time. However, it won't go back to the old concept.
Find Our Belief-Framework on the next page, or by selecting it in the menu on the left.
Our Three Roles
We believe that the human species, like any other element in this world, serves a specific purpose. Through rational thinking, open minded observations of what is happening in our lives and drawing logical conclusions, we came to identify three roles, that humans are fulfilling in this world.
We believe these three roles are:
Change Agent - Tool of the Universe - God's Angel
Find Our Roles here, or by selecting it in the menu on the left.
Our Nine Principles
The word "Principle" makes me flinch. I do not like things cast in stone. I hope, though, that these nine principles help us with keeping nothing cast in stone. Sounds like a contradiction in itself. But we'll attempt it anyhow...
The Nine Principles, grouped into three groups:
Our Roles - Our Attitudes - Our Approaches
Find Our Principles here, or by selecting it in the menu on the left.