Ideas, Thoughts and New Perspectives for a Spiritual (R)evolution

You Say: Nobody loves me! I'm all alone!


There are dozens of online dating sites, each with millions of profiles - each profile of a person who is looking for someone who'd love them; most of them feeling unloved and alone. Wherever I go, I meet people who are lonely, and trying to make a connection.

Often, when somebody asks me for help with making sense of what is going on in their life, this topic comes up, and that view-point is expressed: "nobody loves me! I am all alone in this world!"


I suggest to look at the situation a little closer, and with an open mind. I have never met anybody in my whole life, who did not have anybody in their life who would love them. Also, it is virtually impossible for anybody to say nobody loves them, because I know I love them - even though I do not know them. And I know there are many more people in this world who love this creation and everything in it.

So it is not that "nobody loves you". We need to define that better.


I find, what people really mean, when they claim nobody loves them, is that they are not in a loving, romantic relationship. Sometimes, in severe cases, a person may be at war with everybody in their live - but most of the time the person is loved by many people. Our problem is, that we do not allow ourselves to see this love. We often take things for granted. When have you last watched a sunset? You see? A sunset is one of the most beautiful things in the world. However, every day there is a sunset, and we don't notice them anymore. We are so used to them, we don't derive any happiness or joy from it.

Often, we treat the love of the people in our lives the same way! We are used to them, so we don't value their love anymore.

Sometimes, we are so focused on our own point of view, on our own benefit and gain. We make the lives of the people in our lives miserable and difficult. And then we wonder why we don't feel the love.

Somebody once told me: do you prefer to be happy or to be right? I ask you: do you prefer to be loved or to be right?

Yes, I know, we do have people who love us. But, as long as I am not in a loving, romantic relationship, there is something missing in my life. And the longer it is missing, the stronger that feeling of need gets.

My experience is, that every need is taken care of. Really! Every need. If there is something that I need, and I don't have it, it is usually because I am not allowing myself to have this need fulfilled for me.

In terms of relationship, intimacy, and companionship I find, that the Universe is sending people into my life constantly, who are eager to fulfill this need for me. And I would be very much able to fulfill some need of theirs. However, often, that person is not exactly what I want. And then I deny shut them out, push them away. You notice the differentiation between "I need" and "I want"? I need to have somebody in my life who is helping me make the next step. I want somebody that meets my criteria. Typical such criteria are: age, gender, physical appearance, my or their marital status, income, eduction, class, status, religious belief or affiliation, willingness to marry or to make kids, and much more.

I want Sleeping Beauty to marry me and live happily ever after with me. Well, that doesn't work. It never works that way!

Several years ago, I used to examine every woman that came into my life in terms of whether I would be happy to be with her for the rest of my life. This approach caused me to try to identify all her faults. Of course, I never found anybody that passed my inspection! Oh, nobody loved me! I was all alone in this world!

One day it dawned on me, that my approach is not effective. Pretty much at the same time I came to belief that the Universe sends people into my life to help me along, and that at the same time I am in theirs to help them. With that insight, I turned around my approach: Instead of asking whether this person can be what I want, I started to ask why this person came into my life.

Suddenly, I didn't look for their faults anymore, but for their strengths, for the beauty in them. I scrapped the idea of having to find somebody to live with happily ever after. I admitted to myself, that this not going to happen. So my choice now was to stay alone for the rest of my life, or to allow myself to connect with the people that happen to show up.

This idea, together with my new approach of rather looking for what I can contribute, than what I can get out of it, I suddenly experienced a lot of love in my life!

I no longer feel that nobody loves me. I am being told often and by many persons that I am loved, that he or she is happy to have me in their life.


So, when you say you feel that nobody loves you, I can only recommend to you to enjoy all the sunsets and all the persons the Universe provides for you, and to focus on how you can contribute to the Universe and people in your life. I am sure, soon you'll feel the love all around you! And when you are ready, your life-partner will show up on your doorstep - with ready I mean, that you are able to recognize that person's potential to fill that role, and that you yourself are able to be the supportive and loving life partner for that person.


The Universe sends people into your life to fulfill your needs and to help you get ahead in your life. No matter what you do, there is always help around you to learn the lessons you need to learn, to become aware of the questions that will help you realize insights, and to provide the love and support you need! The Universe loves you - you are part of it!
