Ideas, Thoughts and New Perspectives for a Spiritual (R)evolution




Yesterday a friend was musing about time-travel into the future. If you were to return to earth after traveling for some time at close to speed of light, you might have aged only a few months or years, on Earth however hundreds of years would have passed. In essence, you'd have traveled into the future. "How about that?" he asked...

I was pondering this idea for a while and came to the conclusion, that even if it was possible, I wouldn't want to do it!

I find this is an amazing time right now. There is a fundamental change about to happen and I want to be part of it.


Up until the 1200s the prevalent word-view was that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around the earth. Then a few people realized that this word-view does not meet their observations. It just didn't fit. They slowly realized, that it was the earth that is rotating around the sun. This change in perception caused the creation of the sciences. It was the first step towards the world of knowledge that we have available to us today, and that allows us to live as comfortably and secure as we do.

Right now, there is a similar change in perception about to happen. I think, its consequences will be even greater than those of the one 800 years ago! I love to live in this time, and be part of this change, contribute to it!


Up until today our spiritual world-view revolves around the individual. We pray for God to do stuff for us, to make things happen for us. In the Judeo-Christian and Islamic world-view I try to do good so that "I" get to heaven. Hinduism teaches us, that "I" am reincarnating until "I" reach the point to enter nirvana. Everything is centered around the "I". The creation is there to support me in my quest to reach something or the other. "I" am the reason, the purpose, the center. Everything is revolving around the "I".

However, this does not meet my observations. It seems more likely and more logical that "I" am there to support the creation on its quest to reach some state or another. It is not about me - I am about it!


This is the time now, where this awareness is starting to reach the consciousness of us humans. This is a most exciting time. I don't want to travel into the future, thereby ridding myself of the once in a millennium opportunity to contribute to such an important change. No Way!


We won in the jackpot! Of all the times available, we were born right now, right here - at the eve of a new era, at the beginning of the age of enlightenment! Hey, time traveling away from the now would be like throwing away the winning lottery ticket... You an go on that trip, if you like. I just hang around here, and be part of the greatest development in history!

