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Ideas, Thoughts and New Perspectives for a Spiritual (R)evolution

The Mission

As we grow up and continue living our life, we are confronted with a tremendous amount of information. Some of the information is valid and accurate, some is incomplete, or taken out of context, and some is just plain old-wife's tale.

This site is dedicated to providing new ideas and perspectives, which are good seeds for thought. Also, some of the jigsaw puzzle pieces that are often handed out and perpetuated but that might need to be quarantined, are brought up and discussed too.

The hope is, that these discussions will help identify issues that need to be revisited, and provide new pieces for your puzzle, so you may see the world and yourself in it with new eyes and in a better, more hopeful light.

Please participate in the discussion by commenting to the various topics, and also by yourself bringing up new pieces or pieces for the quarantine area.

Enjoy the site, and thank you for your interest, your ideas, and your support...

(C)2008-2016 www.toolOfTheUniverse.org
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