Ideas, Thoughts and New Perspectives for a Spiritual (R)evolution

What would Jesus do?

This site is not a religious site, and not affiliated with any religion. This article, however, is specifically addressed to the christian community. Although, the questions are important to ponder for people of all cultural backgrounds and all faiths (and atheism, by the way, is a faith too).


It doesn't really matter what I know or what I have . money, status, power, knowledge, talents, skills. If I don't do anything with it, it is wasted . I am wasted. This also applies for my knowledge about the scripture: if I don't apply it in my life, if I don't use it to guide me in my day to day decisions . it is useless.

Here are a few questions to ponder during your next discussion group, sunday-school, or bible-study. They are about topics that are relevant and important today. I hope they will inspire ideas and realizations, and help you on your path to becoming a great follower of the spirit of Jesus.

Seeds for Thought and topics for study - What would Jesus do?

Would he join a volunteer organization, and if so, how much time might he spend working on volunteering? Also, what organization(s) would he join: Kiwanis, NRA, Rotary, Sierra Club, Braves Fan Club, what else?

What kind of car would he drive?

Would he dry clothes on the line when possible, or use a dryer?

Would he use styrofoam containers?

What kind of dishes and cutlery would he use? Plastic, paper, ceramic, metal?

Would he buy organic food or food which was treated with pesticides and herbicides?

Would he eat meat? And if so, would he worry about how the animals were treated while they were alive, what they were fed, and whether they were treated with growth hormones, antibiotics and such?

Jesus spent a lot of time trying to help the Pharisees understand. Who would he have to spend time with, if he were among us today?

How would Jesus treat illegal immigrants? And how gays, people of another faith, or people who committed a crime?

How would he treat his children, if he was here and had children? What school would he send them to?

How would he treat his spouse? Would he allow him/her to make their own decisions, or would he tell them what to do and demand obedience?

Would he take the bus to work, or would he drive his car?

Finally, would he be concerned about these and similar questions?


