Stopping The Vicious Cycle of High Staff Turnover
Ideas, Thoughts and New Perspectives for a Spiritual (R)evolution | |
Stopping The Vicious Cycle of High Staff Turnover
We all know and accept the fact that we have to work to make a living. If we're lucky, we love what we're doing. Sometimes, however, there are influences or forces that make filling a particular job a challenge. When such challenges are systematic in an organization, or a department, a high staff turnover is often a symptom.
This workshop tries to help identify the underlying problem. Once an issue is identified, it can be solved. And once it is solved, the symptoms disappear.
The goal is to find out what is making everybody's work-life so miserable. The best way to reach that goal is to listen to the staff. Therefore, the mode of delivery for this workshop is different than usually applied in workshops: the flow of information is mostly the other way around; that is, from the participants to the facilitator.
There are two factors that facilitate this information exchange:
The facilitator provides to your leadership a document