Tired of Fighting? Fixing My Relationship
Ideas, Thoughts and New Perspectives for a Spiritual (R)evolution | |
Tired of Fighting? Fixing My Relationship
We all want to be in a relationship. However it seems extremely difficult to
find a person with whom being in a relationship is possible. Why is that so?
Maybe, because we have skewed expectations - both of a potential partner, as
well as of what a relationship is all about.
This seminar is the second of a series of three, designed to help the
participants to find a new perspective and adjusted expectations and
priorities, ultimately resulting in a different approach, and better success.
In the first session Back to Square 1 we examined the topic Relationship in a
logical, pragmatical fashion.
In this second session we look at the main reasons for the failing of most of
the relationships, and realize an approach that will avoid these issues.
The third and final session is dedicated to communication skills -
compassionate listening and compassionate explaining.
First, we discuss a core human need . the need for autonomy.
Secondly, we discuss the first pillar of a working relationship: our attitude
towards our partner's decisions, and our partners attempts to guide, control
or manipulate us.
You will understand why Autonomy is such a core, important need of us humans.
It will become obvious why a relationship, that either does not fulfill or
even hinder the fulfillment of this need, is bound to fail.
You will know how to become the ideal partner in your relationship. Following
this approach will minimize conflict, and improve the chances of a positive
resolution when conflict does occur.