Ideas, Thoughts and New Perspectives for a Spiritual (R)evolution

Re: Church's Revival

Came across a church`s flyer for a "Fall Feast Revival". Theme:

Repenting From Our Sins and Returning to Our Father.


Sorry, but I (living in the US) just have to rant a little about this!


[Start of rant]

Our neighborhood is in shambles. The country is considering whether to let Trump be our president. Polar ice-caps are melting. People are spiritually as lost as always before. Our legal system is a mess. The way our schools are funded is left over from 100 years ago. More people than ever think drugs are a solution. We`re still subscribing to the "us against them" world-view.

And all our wanna-be spiritual leaders can come up with is: "Repenting From Our Sins and Returning to Our Father"?



First of all, does anybody seriously think that anybody who has not yet drunken that cool-aid would want to join such an event?

Secondly, if that is the most important message and seed for thought presented, how in the world is the world supposed to get better?

No wonder, people are leaving churches en mass! There is no new information being presented. Just same old, same old. Same stuff as for the last 100 years, or 1000 years!


Isn`t it time to think about something new?

I`d suggest to go back to the basics, to start by asking the question: What is my life all about? What did the Universe (or God, if you prefer) have in mind when it created me, and shaped me into who I am today?

If you start asking this question, and ponder, and think, and listen, and observe, you're bound to get answers, come to realizations, get a better understanding of how this beautiful creation works and develops, and how you fit into this picture.

Sooner or later it`ll become obvious to you that this world was not created for us! But, that we are created for this world! That it is not about us (or our soul) to develop. But that it is about this creation to develop, and we`re the tools that are being utilized to further this development.


Rereading the first grade math book is not helping you understand higher math. Neither is repeating the same messages over and over again helping you understand life. Repeating stuff does not make it any more relevant.

Something that is out-of-date can`t be revived by force. A pool of stagnant water doesn`t get full of life again by sitting in the same place. Only, once the walls to the pool are opened, and the water is pouring out, exploring new terrain, going to new places, the water becomes full of life again.

My plea to all preachers, pastors, imams, gurus, and such: stop repeating yourself! Dare to question, to think, to explore! Help those who have not yet given up on you get ahead with finding and fulfilling the purpose of their life!

[End of rant]


I usually prefer to focus on new ideas and approaches, provide alternatives, rather than criticize what others are doing. I felt, the above just had to be said. At least once.



Further readings around mentioned topic:
What is my life`s purpose? - Dear Lord - What happens TO me vs THROUGH me - Angels - Do they exist? Who are they?
