Ideas, Thoughts and New Perspectives for a Spiritual (R)evolution

The Change Agent Movement



The Change-Agent Movement is a non-religious grassroots movement formed by people all over the world, who want to bring meaning to their lives.

We use the word "Spirituality" as term for the questions:" What am I supposed to do with my life?" Our quest to find a fulfilling answer to this question lead us to see the human species as the change-agents in this world. Like a cat is to catch mice, we are to cause change. And we do it - whether we are conscious of it or not.

Our goal is to always be mindful about the change we are causing, and about the change that would need to be affected.

Those of us, who have a religious background and inclination, also realized that if there is some such thing as God's Angel, it is us. We have the potential to implement the divine assistance. We can choose to be just an animal of this world, focusing on just ensuring our own survival and that of our family, country and species. Or we can choose to be a devil - using our powers to cause harm and pain. Or we can choose to be an angel - trying to fill a need when we notice it.

Finally, those of us, who are inspired by the New Age ideas, choose to see themselves as the tools, that the universe uses to continue the development of this creation. Whatever needs to be accomplished, it is usually the humans who work towards it. The Universe helps us, by placing us into situations, where we can realize the need. It helps us, by bringing the people into our lives who can help us learn, grow and prepare for the change. And it helps us, by providing us with the talents and experiences we need to accomplish the task.

No matter where you are in terms of your spiritual believes, there's one thing we all can agree upon: nothing appears out of, or disappears into thin air. Change is being implemented by humans like you and me. We, who find ourselves to be part of this movement, choose to accept this our role, find happiness and fulfillment in contributing constructively to this beautiful system, and as a consequence try to live our lives accordingly.
