The tools of the Universe

Changes are not happening by things appearing or disappearing magically. We humans are the change-agents in this system, who make things happen. We are God's Angels - at least, we have the potential to be this; But it is always our choice.

The Universe guides us through intuitions and coincidences. It helps us by bringing the right people into each of our lives, which allows us to learn what we need to learn, to ask ourselves the questions we need to ponder to make a next step, and to provide hints and ideas to find the answers for these questions.

So often a person comes into my life right at the moment when I am able to hear their message, when I am ready for the ideas they spark in me. The Universe is using them to help me develop.

And just as often, I find myself in a situation where I can observe how, through me, a person was able to overcome an obstacle, realize more of their potential, or get a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. The Universe is using me to help them develop.

After observing this happening to me and through me, I soon became aware of the methods the Universe uses to influence my changing in a particular direction. I realized that the Universe is not directly shaping me, but it uses the folks in my life as the tools to shape me! It is helping me choose to change myself in the way it needs me to develop. It is still my choice; I am not forced. But I am being allowed to see the beauty, and I can't help but choose to change toward it.

In a way, the Universe is using us as tools to help each other develop and get ahead! It is using us humans to implement changes to the system! I love this notion: I am the Tool of the Universe! To see myself as such makes me happy, provides meaning and purpose to my life, and makes me feel important and connected.


If you like this article you'd enjoy the book You Are The Change. It describes the foundation of the underlying new spiritual belief-system, and many more ideas and different perspectives on other everyday questions and topics.

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