My Soul - My Spiritual Connection To The Universe
Last time, we talked about our body being part of this world. Even though we feel separate from everything else in this world, in reality we are not. The bunch of matter, that makes up my body is still part of this earth, even while it is part of my body.
When I think about my soul, I see a great similarity. I believe that there is this great source of wisdom, love and knowledge, which one could picture as the Spiritual Center of the Universe. What is currently my soul, is comes from that spiritual entity. But just like the material that makes up my body is at the same time still part of this earth, the spiritual energy that makes up my soul is at the same time still part of that great spiritual entity.
My body is exchanging matter as part of normal daily living. My soul is my connection to the source of wisdom. It can provide all the answers that I need. It can guide me toward my destiny. It can help me make sense of my existence.
My body tells me when it is hungry, when it needs sleep, or when it has any other needs. My soul does so too. It tells me what it needs. I find, that it is just much easier to not-hear the soul, than to not-hear the body. Just as I can get very good at delaying the fulfillment of what my body wants and needs, I can also get into the habit of delaying the fulfillment of my souls needs. I can ignore what my soul is trying to tell me, and focus on something else - usually what my body wants, or my ego.
If I ignore my body's needs long enough, it will get sick. If I ignore my soul's needs for too long, I will get unhappy and unfulfilled.
I find, the key to a happy and healthy life is to take good care of my body, and to take good care of my soul.;To listen to both of them, and fulfill the needs of both of them.
It is very clear what my body needs. I learn about that from early childhood on. Unfortunately, I have never been taught to listen to my soul, to try to figure out what it's needs are.
I am trying to learn now. Accepting that there is a soul, that it does have needs, and understanding that my soul is part of the Great Spiritual Source of Wisdom, Love and Knowledge were the first steps for me to reconnect to my soul.
Reconnecting allowed me to listen, which allows me to follow its lead...
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