"Tool of the Universe" Oriented Seminars
A new way of looking at something holds the potential for a new attitude and approach, and rearranged priorities. That again can inspire changes in our lives, and with that in the lives of the people around us, and in our world.

The goal of all our seminars is to facilitate growth and development, to cause change, and to assist all participants to find their way to become the best Tool of the Universe they can be.

Personal Growth

Our seminars are intended to help you open your mind, and look at your life, the world, and yourself in it from new, different perspectives. Growth and development are good facilitators of happiness and fulfillment. Happy people facilitate happiness in others. Fulfilled people have more energy to effect the changes necessary for this world to become a beautiful place for all to live in.

We are offering Personal Growth Seminars, that help you to life a happier life, and be the best Tool of the Universe you can be!


When we first fall in love, we feel we can tackle any problem, nothing seems too difficult or out of reach. Relationships are our source for tremendous energy. Our seminars are providing ideas and approaches to help you maximize the great potential of your relationships.

Building on sand is not a good idea - no matter how well you build. Looking at the foundation, the basis should be the first step. Applying the best technique is doomed to fail, if it is for the wrong reason.

Our Relationship Seminars help you make your relationship work by:

  • building a good foundation by discussing questions like: What do you want to accomplish and why? How can a relationship help you? What is a successful relationship?
  • providing skills and know-how, to answer the question: How can you facilitate the success of your relationship?
Business and Career

Two men are pounding stones. One is happy, the other miserable. I ask the frowning man:"What are you doing?" "I am pounding stones to make building blocks.". I ask the happy man the same question."I am building a cathedral!"

In business as in life we have the choice to work just for the money or to fulfill a purpose. If we can inspire people to work towards a higher goal, if we can provide an opportunity for them to fulfill their lives' purpose, we will achieve more productivity and better quality.

We are offering Business and Career Seminars, that help organizations enable their employees to be the best tool they can be!


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