Let Me Become the Change I'd Like to See in the World

In 2004 I moved to a small Caribbean island to implement a self-conceived, self-funded, and self-run developmental aid project. Having lived all my life in an environment of abundance, surrounded by friends and family, I suddenly found myself in an environment of scarcity, without social network. Although voluntary, I still found myself in a deep crisis.

In crisis situations we learn the most, we make the largest progress. So did I.

In this seminar, I am focusing on one of the insights I gained, through that experience: As long as we wait for somebody else to improve the situation, not much is going to change. The world depends on each one of us to make it a better place. I am important, as I hold the potential for improvement in my hand.

  • Taking control of my life by accepting responsibility
I can not influence what others are doing. I have only control over myself. Once I start taking responsibility for my own contributions, I am starting to take control of my life and my destiny.
  • Non-violent and information centered education and life-style
Our way of life is still very influenced by the way of nature: dominance and control. Once we understand how to live non-aggressively and compassionately our life starts to become much less troubled, and our relationships improve.
  • Becoming aware of opportunities
The Universe is using coincidences to send opportunities our way on a daily basis. Most often, we do not recognize them as such, or we choose not to make use of them.


After the seminar participants will be more aware of

  • the opportunities life brings along and how to make use of them
  • how to be a source of positive energy to all the people around
  • how to take control of my life and live true to my own destiny
  • how my own life improves, once I start implementing changes


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