Problem Solving
The path of necessary steps to get from a problem to a solution is very straight forward:
Realization that there is a problem
Analysis and definition of the problem
Pondering potential solutions
If the solution can not be deducted based on known truths and logical thinking, a series of trial-and-error experiments might be needed. Each iteration of such a trial-and-error loop follows similar steps:
understand what the outcome is
determine whether it is the desired one
if not, ponder how the experiment could be adjusted to achieve the desired results or how a completely different experiment could be formulated
That approach has helped us humans to develop our technical abilities to the point where we can send a space-ship to Mars, have it collect data and rocks, and then travel back to earth. In Software development and IT-project implementation there are methodologies defined and used all around the world, that basically follow this system of iterative prototyping.
Well, why not also use for our spiritual development something that works so well in the technical areas?
So! Is there a problem?
Hm. There is war all over this planet - among countries, within countries, within communities, even within families. There are people starving to death, while at the same time others are living in abundance. Is there a problem? It sure looks like it...
Well! What is the problem?
Now, this question is much more difficult to answer. Volumes could be written about what in detail the problems are. The core, however, is that we are spiritually to immature. To immature to be able to live with each other in peace. To immature to understand that we are all together in the same boat - space-ship Earth. To immature to accept that it is possible that all humans could be contributing to the welfare of all, if they didn't have to worry about surviving another day, another minute.
We do have the technical know-how to make sure nobody in this world would have to worry about food. We have the technical abilities that everybody in this world would be able to go to school, to learn and develop their talents and skills, and to be able to make great contributions.
Why is it not happening? We are spiritually to immature!
Most of the problems we are facing these days could easily be solved, if there was a will to work on it. If it was a priority to deal with it. Why is it not a priority? Why is there a lack of will? We are spiritually to immature!
Look at any problem you're aware of. Large scale, or individual. Big or small. What is the core, underlying issue? In most of the cases it is spiritual immaturity.
Domestic violence, war, global warming, illegal drugs, embezzlement, pollution, lies, waste, rain-forest deforestation, over-fishing, incest... the list is endless.
What is the problem? The state of our spiritual development.
And why are we spiritually so immature?
Ha! Maybe because we are to spiritually immature to make spiritual development a priority! So this is where the cat bits itself in the tail. Another one of those catch-22 problems.
The good news is, that the number of people searching for spiritual understanding is growing by leaps and bounds. Many of us have already understood that in order for development to happen, change is necessary. Following old traditions does not allow for change. No change, no development. Quite simple a concept, quite difficult an action...
If you like this article you'd enjoy the book You Are The Change. It describes the foundation of the
underlying new spiritual belief-system, and many more ideas and different
perspectives on other everyday questions and topics.
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