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Principles are a very dangerous thing. We tend to resist changing principles even more than we resist change in general. I don't know a better term, though, for some fundamental core ideas. I decided to use this term, but emphasize at the same time, how important it is to keep my mind open, to be willing to accept change - even if it is change of principles.
The following are ideas that I find are the basis for all my decisions, and reasons for all my actions. Until I learn more, I'll try to keep them in my mind. When I grow and know better, I shall adjust, change or replace them.
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I am a tool of the Universe
The Universe uses us humans to continue the development of this creation. It does not interfere by using super-natural magic, but works through the elements within this system. We are the most capable and talented elements. It guides us humans through ideas, mentors us through situations, and teaches us through life-experiences.
We can improve our usefulness by honing our skills, identifying and sharpening our talents, and extending our knowledge.
My goal is to be the best tool for the Universe I can be!
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I am a Change-Agent
All other elements in this physical world fulfill one single purpose: to perpetuate the system as it is. We humans have to fulfill that purpose too. All elements in this world follow the laws and principles of nature, except us humans; we have the choice to go against what I natural. That enables us humans to cause change in a grander scheme. We are the Change-Agents in this system. We can choose to pretend be just a system-perpetuator, or to accept our role as Change-Agent.
I accept that I am causing tremendous change. My goal is to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impact I have on this world!
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I am an Angel
When the intervention of an Angel is needed, a human always fulfills this role. Never has there been a spiritual, super-natural being that fixed a situation, provided the help needed; it always was a human. We are the Angels - at least, we have the potential to be. We also have Free Will - we can choose to be a devil, or we can choose to be just another animal, or we can choose to be the Angel and implement the divine support and help.
My goal is to keep my eyes and ears and mind open to be aware of and ready to act when I can be the Angel in the life of somebody else!
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Embracing Change
If things are to improve, they need to change. Without the situation changing it can't get better. Change, although difficult to deal with, is the core ingredient of development, and the main precondition for improvement.
Traditions, customs and habits are crutches that help us deal with difficult situations. Once we developed better ways to deal with these situations, we can stop following the old tradition. Traditions for the sake of nostalgia is empty packaging without content.
My goal is to facilitate, instigate and support change wherever I am, however I can!
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Employing Non-Violence
Violence is a result of the competition for scarce resources. It is a natural method, intended to help survival of the individual and the species. Humans are more powerful and more talented than animals. We can fulfill our needs and eliminate scarcity. We can resolve conflicts through communication. We do not need violence anymore. Violence is pulling us back into the existence of an animal. We can say "No!" in a non-violent way.
My goal is to learn to approach everybody and everything in a non-violent, loving way!
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Emphasizing Cooperation
Competition is the principle of nature. Scarcity of resources and the competition for them ensures a smooth and lean system. Humans can grow beyond the natural principles of this physical world. And when we do, our life improves, and we become more and more effective and powerful. Instead of trying to work against the river, we can use our brain to find a way to use the force of the river to accomplish what we want to accomplish.
My goal is to find a way to cooperate with people and the world around me as often and as well as I can!
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No Dogmas
Our believes are based on our understanding of the world and the spiritual ideas and scriptures. Spiritual ideas can not be proven. They can only be accepted as plausible, as feasible, as believable. More spiritual understanding can show a previous idea as incomplete or mislead, and render it obsolete. If we make our believes absolute, we are preventing ourselves from growing spiritually. If there is room for a believe to change, there is room for growth and better understanding.
My goal is to not blindly hang on to believes, and to always be ready to invite new, better, wiser ideas into my belief-system!
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Open Mindedness
Ideas can not flow freely when the mind is closed. Like stagnant water starts to turn foul and smell, a stagnant mind turns foul too and often smells of self-righteousnesses and ignorance. Growth and development can happen only when our mind is open to receive divine inspiration.
My goal is to always keep my mind open, and evaluate new ideas even when they seem to contradict my current understandings and believes!
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Whenever we can not explain something, we tend to come up with a mystic fable. All too often these mystic fables turn into traditions and dogmas and prevent the real reasons to be explored and found. When approaching spirituality, we can apply similar principles as in sciences: keen observations, clear reasoning and concluding, critical double-checking.
My goal is to apply rational, analytical and critical thinking to every aspect of my life - physical and spiritual!
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