This world needs Jesus! Really?
This world already has a Jesus. And what did the people of this world do to him? Then - as now - too many are blinded by ignorance and religious fanatism into hateful self-righteousness against anybody that thinks, looks, acts, feels, loves, behaves differently. We people killed Jesus then. We people are continuing to kill today.
We don't need another Jesus to tell us how to fix things. The one 2000 years ago already told us. We don't need somebody or something else to fix things for us. We need to fix things ourselves, by fixing our own selves!
What we need is more willingness to:
- put aside traditions and customs and embrace new ideas and perspectives
- turn off our auto-pilot more often and try something new
- stop blindly repeating what others - especially religious people - are saying, and double-check if it is really making the world a better place
- allow others to make their own choices without having to fear to be ostracized
- try to find a "loving" way, rather than always simply following the instinctual animal response (which is usually "fighting", thus usually making things worse, rather than better)
Let me encourage you, to try to at least once a day think afresh about one "something" that you are used to do or believe.
Let me remind you to try to reserve half an hour a week for reflecting on the questions of:
- What did the Universe have in mind when it created you and shaped you?
- How is the Universe using you to create change and improvement in this world?
Let me invite you to try once a month to connect with a kind of person that you have never connected with before, and to try to learn as much as you can about how life is to and for that person, while also honestly sharing yourself with that person as well.
Magic is happening through you - whether you are aware of it or not; whether you want it or not; and whether you are actively trying to let it happen, or simply leaving it to chance.
My experience is, that when I make a contribution to the development of this creation, I receive happiness in return. A happiness that comes from deep within. A kind, that can not be bought or acquired in any other way.
I strongly believe, that if you follow the simple three requests above, you'll become less destructive (as we all are) to everybody and everything around you, and more capable as a tool for the Universe to cause improvement. You'll notice more opportunities to make a contribution, and are more able to do so. And with all of that, you'll become much happier and more fulfilled.
But, don't blindly believe what I say! Try it yourself, and observe.
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