About Flies, Gays, Lesbians, and Love . Religious View


Sexual orientation is a huge topic currently, especially in religious circles. For that reason, I am approaching this topic from a religious angle; with that I mean, I am assuming that some of the typical religious messages are true interpretations of the intended spiritual content. And I would like to apply the same logical concluding, rational thinking, and open minded approach to this topic as in the other texts.

I think it is fair to say, that the Christian God is a God of Love. And so is the Islamic Allah. God created the world. Everything in it is the way he designed it, intended it, thought it to be perfect.

So, basically, even a fly is God's creation. He wanted a fly to be just as it is, and do exactly what it is doing. He had a reason for creating flies. I may not understand exactly why the fly is so important. However, I kind of trust, that God knows what he is doing and has a reason. And I assume it is my limited ability to understand the world around me, my lack of knowledge, that is the reason for not knowing the reason.

I hope there is still no conflict, right?

Alright, if I kill a fly, is that a good thing or not? Stupid question? Really? God felt it was important enough to design a fly, and to create it. I decide to destroy his creation.

Hmm. To me, that sounds like a quite blasphemous action.

Ok, now how about Gays and Lesbians. Obviously, God created them the way they are.

So, there gotta be some reason for it. Again, maybe I don't understand it. But just because I don't see it, that doesn't mean there isn't a reason.

What are they doing anyhow, that is so different from what you are doing? They are showing their love and affection to a person that belongs to a different group than you think that person should belong to. Explain to me, please, why are you focusing on the group of the recipient? They are expressing their love! They are not killing anything by doing so. They are not destroying anything. They are loving. Because of their action, somebody else's life is more beautiful.

Explain to me, please, how it is OK to destroy something God created, but it is not OK, to express love? Why would a God of Love have a problem with somebody being loving? And, why would a God of Love be happy about you harassing a loving person's live, by being judgmental, self-righteous, and hateful?

What is of higher priority: God being a God of Love, God having created everything the way it should be - or your dislike and lack of understanding and compassion towards a poor soul that is sentenced to live the life of an outcast?

I, for one, have removed all that hate-talk about gays, lesbians from my Great Jigsaw Puzzle, and replaced it with a piece, that allows everybody to make their own decisions, to live their life the way are made - as long as they are not destroying God's creation, but are adding love into this world.


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